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UN agency presents awards to Iranian, Malaysian inventors

The United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has presented awards to an Iranian woman who invented a new medical instrument and a Malaysian man who designed a new form of engineered wood, as part of the agency’s commitment to promoting inventors worldwide.

UN body confronts new world, made up of a majority of urban dwellers

As the number of people living in cities this year outranks the number living in rural areas for the first time, and 19 ‘megacities’ emerge with more than 10 million inhabitants, top United Nations officials today stressed the importance of understanding how successful cities have dealt with pollution, slums and other ills.

DR Congo: UN envoy calls on parties to implement commitments in Kivus

The top United Nations official in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has appealed to the parties in the volatile Kivu provinces in the country’s northeast to implement the commitments made in recent accords and help more than one million internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees try to resume normal life.