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Photo: MINUSMA/Marco Dormino
MINUSMA/Marco Dormino

Mali: UN strongly condemns ambush that leaves five 'blue helmets' dead

Five United Nations peacekeepers were killed in an ambush in central Mali earlier today, with another 'blue helmet' seriously injured, according to preliminary information reported by the country's UN mission, which deplored the “heinous act of terrorism” as all the more shocking because it occurred on the day set aside for the global community to honour UN peacekeepers.
President of the General Assembly Mogens Lykketoft.
UN Photo/Mark Garten

In Egypt, Assembly President points way towards more relevant, responsive and inclusive UN

With unprecedented opportunities ahead to enhance the work of the United Nations, as well as that of the wider multilateral system, UN Member States have before them a straightforward “but not easy” road, the President of the General Assembly said today, starting by working harder to make their societies, their economies and their politics more inclusive and more sustainable.