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A team of contact tracers is visiting a community in Conakry, Guinea, after a family member was infected with Ebola. The family has been provided with buckets and chlorine and taught how to wash hands properly at home (January 2015).
UNMEER/Martine Perret

Some $3.2 billion needed for Ebola recovery efforts in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone – UN

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will call for continued solidarity with the three West African countries most impacted by the unprecedented Ebola outbreak at at tomorrow's International Ebola Recovery Conference in New York, which will seek to raise $3.2 billion over the next two years so that Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone can fully rebound from the crisis.
Women and children have suffered devastating attacks in South Sudan’s Unity State.
UNICEF/South Sudan/Sebastian Rich

Leaders' personal rivalry has undermined South Sudan's hard won independence – Security Council

Months of politically motivated violence in South Sudan has left thousands dead and caused a “man-made…catastrophe,” the United Nations Security Council declared today, expressing “profound disappointment” with President Salva Kiir, former Vice-President Riek Machar and other leaders “who have put their personal ambitions ahead of the good of their country and their people.”
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, briefs the Security Council.
UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe

UN officials recall 'horror' of Srebrenica as Security Council fails to adopt measure condemning massacre

As the United Nations Security Council failed to adopt a resolution that some of its permanent members called “vital for reconciliation” and others called “divisive,” senior UN officials stressed that the horror of the genocidal massacre at Srebrenica continued to haunt the Organization 20 years after thousands of ethnic Bosnian Muslim men and boys were slaughtered during a week of preventable brutality.