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UN official calls for better balance in world economy

With world economic growth depending too much on one country, the international community must help developing countries adopt measures that improve their abilities to play greater roles in world trade and to absorb new technologies, a senior United Nations official said today.

UN agency appeals for urgent funds for Sudanese refugees in Chad

The United Nations refugee agency has launched an urgent appeal for $16.6 million to avert a humanitarian disaster on the Chad-Sudan border, where more than 65,000 Sudanese refugees, mainly women and children fleeing fighting in Africa’s largest country, have been living in desperate conditions for months.

UNICEF opens rehabilitation centres for child soldiers in Sri Lanka

The first few dozen Sri Lankan child soldiers released by the rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) have been placed in a transit centre that was formally opened today by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), in the first stage of a new programme to prepare them for civilian life and reunite them with their families.