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Virginia Gamba, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict (file)
UN Photo/Loey Felipe

Sexual violence against children during armed conflict, vastly under-reported

While warring parties agreed to more than 30 action plans, road maps, command orders and other measures to better protect children in 2019 – the highest number in any one year – rape and other forms of sexual violence remain vastly under-reported, including against boys, the leading UN advocate on the issue told the Security Council on Tuesday. 

The UN peacekeeping mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) is working to prevent the global pandemic COVID-19 from spreading in the country.

Devastating South Sudan coronavirus deaths,'a tragedy that can be prevented', Security Council hears

South Sudan is facing the twin threat of COVID-19 and an uptick in violence that risks unravelling a fragile ceasefire and derailing the peace process, the top UN official in the country says. Briefing the Security Council on Tuesday, David Shearer said that so far, nearly 2,000 cases of novel coronavirus - and 35 deaths - have been recorded in South Sudan.
