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UN Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) provides support to the authorities following the terrorist attack on a hotel in the country’s capital, Bamako.

Mali: UN condemns ‘horrific’ terrorist attack on hotel in Bamako

Condemning the “horrific” terrorist attack at the Radisson hotel in Bamako which killed an unknown number of civilians and injured many more, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has noted that the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) has been assisting the authorities in the handling of this crisis.
WHO and Health Office in Taiz, Yemen, conduct mosquito spraying campaign in Sala, Al-Mothafar and Al-Qahera districts for dengue fever control.

Senior UN relief official warns health and education systems in war-torn Yemen ‘near collapse’

Warning that “humanitarian agencies cannot be a substitute for [Yemen’s] basic services,” a senior United Nations relief official wrapped up a three-day visit to the country stressing that its health and education systems in the country are on the brink of collapse and stressed that “peace is the only solution to prevent a humanitarian disaster.”
Children at Atme camp for displaced people in northern Syria, near the border with Turkey. About 6.5 million Syrians have been internally displaced by violence.
Jodi Hilton/IRIN

Syria: UN envoy cites possibility of ceasefire, future political framework to end conflict

After briefing an informal session of the United Nations General Assembly about the “deliverables” that had come out of the recent international talks in Vienna on the Syria crisis, UN Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura today indicated the possibility of a ceasefire in the war-torn country, through continued discussions and with active inclusion of all parties involved in the conflict.