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Jennifer Welsh, Special Adviser on the Responsibility to Protect and Adama Dieng, Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide.
UN Photo/Paulo Filgueiras/Amanda Voisard

Amid escalating hate speech against Muslims, UN rights officials denounce intolerance, incitement

Expressing “grave concern” at the outpouring of intolerance and hate speech in public discourse and in the media in recent weeks, which focused particularly on Muslims, senior United Nations human rights officials have urgently called on those in positions of authority and political leadership to act responsibly and with respect for both international and national laws.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (left) and General Assembly President Mogens Lykketoft at the WSIS+10 High-Level Meeting at UN Headquarters.
UN Photo/Rick Bajornas

At high-level forum, top UN officials urge bridging digital divide to ‘power’ sustainable development

Citing remarkable achievement of the information and communication technologies (ICT) for development, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today that the focus now lies on bridging the digital divide to facilitate inclusive Internet access for all in order to enable the implementation of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.