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The Government of Togo and the UN Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa (UNREC) destroyed 2,000 seized and obsolete weapons and 10,000 rounds of ammunition to mark the International Day of Peace.

Trafficking in the Sahel: Muzzling the illicit arms trade

Shoppers in Mali’s Gao, Timbuktu, and Ménaka regions can snap up AK-pattern assault rifles for $750 and cartridges for 70 cents apiece, from locally handcrafted pistols to smuggled French and Turkish machine guns, as a dizzying array of illegal weaponry dots market stalls across the Sahel, a 6,000-kilometre-wide belt in the middle of Africa.

Comedian Kavin Jay and Instagram influencer Elvi made a day trip to a rubber plantation where they had their first taste of Cambodia’s “number one food”, nom banh chok, prepared by their host Liza, a Cambodia migrant.
© OHCHR Malaysia/Puah Sze Ning

Malaysia: ‘Everyone has a migration story’, now let’s eat

Every recipe has a story, from Pakistan’s signature chicken korma to kaldu kokot cooked on Indonesia’s Madura Island. The UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR) has set the table for an innovative campaign that brings seven recipes to life, tackling a wave of hate speech against migrants and refugees by serving up the rich diversity of food and culture they bring with them to Malaysia.

 Isatou, Mariama, and Fatoumatta no longer have to stop going to classes during their periods, thanks to a UNFPA programme that supports production and free distribution of reusable sanitary pads, including for girls at St. John's School for the Deaf in …
© UNFPA The Gambia

Menstrual Hygiene Day: Putting an end to period poverty

Fatoumatta Fatty’s commute on an old, malfunctioning wheelchair takes up to two hours during rainy season in The Gambia, but she is happy joining her co-workers at a sanitary pad production centre, where she takes pride in making products that help women overcome “period poverty” across the country.
