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Mandate for UN Office for West Africa is renewed through 2007

The United Nations Office for West Africa (UNOWA), established in 2001 to promote peace, security and development and assist regional organizations, has been given a more detailed mandate over the next three years, according to an exchange of letters between Secretary-General Kofi Annan and the Security Council.

Fishermen suffered huge material toll from tsunami, UN figures show

The Indian Ocean tsunami disaster that came from the sea exacted an inordinate toll from those that live from the sea beyond its deadly haul of 160,000 lives, destroying tens of thousands of fishing boats and other equipment that were the only source of income for many, according to United Nations figures released today.

UN official visits Afghanistan in bid to solve refugee problem

The head of the United Nations refugee agency is in Afghanistan holding talks with members of the new Government in the capital, Kabul, and visiting his agency’s operations in the provinces as part of an effort to solve the problem of an estimated 3 million Afghans still living in exile in Pakistan and Iran.

Bomb explosion kills UN police officer in Kosovo

A United Nations police officer in Kosovo was killed today in a bomb explosion, leading the chief UN envoy for the ethnically-divided province to condemn the attack as a "despicable act that would certainly be repudiated by the people of Kosovo."

Scotland Yard counter-terrorism expert named new UN security chief

A veteran of Britain's famed Scotland Yard police department who calls himself "a practical counter-terrorist" was today named United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Safety and Security at a time when the world body has seen itself become a direct target of terrorism with the 2003 attack on its headquarters in Iraq.