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Help needed for Congolese refugees in Uganda, UN agency says

Thousands of refugees from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) have returned to their North Kivu villages from Uganda, but urgent help is needed for the 3,000 who remain near Lake Edward, as well as for thousands of refugees from the DRC's Ituri province, according to the United Nations refugee agency.

UN agencies vow to implement millennium development report

A host of specialized United Nations agencies today rallied behind a new strategy report for reaching the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of slashing the world’s ills by 2015, pledging their specific expertise in sectors ranging from feeding the hungry to treating the sick to empowering the rural poor.

UN refugee agency condemns Malta’s treatment of asylum-seekers

Calling on the European Union to harmonize the asylum policies of its members, the United Nations refugee agency today criticized Malta’s policies, the strictest in the EU, and condemned what it said were deliberate attacks by Maltese soldiers on asylum-seekers demonstrating peacefully in a detention centre.