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Ideas pour in for urban improvements on UN internet 'jam'

From internet cafes in the slums of Nairobi, New Delhi and Lima to flashy office blocks in Europe and North America, thousands of people around the world joined a global internet discussion of urban problems this weekend meant to elicit fresh ideas for the third session of the United Nations World Urban Forum in Vancouver next June.

Zimbabwe: UN Relief Coordinator looks at humanitarian needs

United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator, Jan Egeland, arrived in Zimbabwe over the weekend on a three-day mission on behalf of Secretary-General Kofi Annan to assess the humanitarian needs of the population, including those affected by a massive Government slum-clearance effort that left hundreds of thousands homeless.

Annan reports to General Assembly on proposed UN ethics office

Mandated by the September world summit, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has sent a report to the UN General Assembly on establishing a new ethics office with independent external oversight and auditing, as well as with expanded provisions governing whistle-blowing and staff financial disclosures.