Global perspective Human stories

UN News Today

© UNOCHA/Themba Linden

News in Brief 28 March 2024

  • Gaza: health system ‘barely surviving’ warns UN health agency chief
  • Sudan’s 24 million children have a right to live in peace: UNICEF 
  • Refugee agency launches $1.4 billion appeal for South Sudan 
© UNHCR/Moise Amedje Peladai

News in Brief 27 March 2024

  • Gaza war: ‘Direct hits’ on more than 200 schools since Israeli bombing began 
  • 783 million people go hungry today but one-fifth of all food goes to waste 
  • Cameroon: vital aid assistance under threat, warn UNHCR, WFP 


© UNHCR/Blaise Sanyila

News in Brief 26 March 2024

  • Gaza: ‘Double-digit’ number of children reported killed overnight
  • One in three migrant deaths linked to countries at war or with large refugee populations
  • Devastating humanitarian crisis in DR Congo: UNHCR
United Nations

News in Brief 25 March 2024

  • We must push for lasting peace in Gaza, UN chief insists, as starvation threat nears 
  • Deadly cholera infections spreading fast in Somalia, warn UN aid teams
  • Yemen conflict enters 10th year with 17 million-plus people in need of health aid
© WFP/Arete/Abood al Sayd

News in Brief 22 March 2024

  • Gaza: UN aid team reaches stricken north, confirms ‘shocking’ disease and hunger 
  • Mass grave found in Libya highlights migrant horror, says UN migration agency
  • Aid ramps up to Mozambique communities impacted by tropical storm Filipo 

News in Brief 21 March 2024

  • Amid ongoing strife in Gaza and Ukraine, UN chief reiterates peace call 
  • Sudan war could see 222,000 children die from malnutrition, says aid coordinator
  • Mobile phones called to order for part in 62 million tonnes of e-waste


Unsplash/Andrew Keymaster

News in Brief 20 March 2024

  • Gaza: Less than 1 in 2 UN aid missions allowed into northern zones this month 
  • M-pox deaths falling everywhere but Africa, says UN health agency expert panel 
  • Belarus opponents ‘increasingly oppressed and punished’: Human Rights Council



Audio Duration
© UNICEF/Abed Zaqout

News in Brief 19 March 2024

  • Gaza: Increasing numbers of newborns on brink of death, agencies warn
  • Forced labour exploiters make $236 billion a year, says ILO 
  • More climate records smashed, WMO report confirms 
Audio Duration

News in Brief 18 March 2024

  • Famine could happen ‘anytime’ in Gaza’s northern governorates, warn UN humanitarians 
  • Iran: Repression continues two years after nationwide protests, say rights investigators 
  • ‘Pandemic treaty’ deal enters final round of negotiations 


© UNICEF/Ahmed Elfatih Mohamdee

News in Brief 15 March 2024

  • I lost hope and will to live in Russian jail, says Ukraine prisoner of war 
  • Gaza: Nearly 23 million tonnes of debris ‘will take years to clear’
  • Sudan: hunger ‘pervasive’ in Khartoum streets, warns UNICEF


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