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UN Interviews

UN News/Srdjan Slavkovic

‘Getting our act together’ on AI, and ensuring nobody’s left behind

Since the launch of Chat GPT in November 2022, artificial intelligence (AI) has been dominating headlines, sparking excitement but also concern over the pace at which the technology is developing and driving misinformation.

The UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology, Amandeep Gill, is busy working on a Global Digital Compact to be adopted at the UN’s Summit of the Future in 2024 – a “once-in-a-generation” opportunity for leaders to agree on common principles for addressing tech challenges.

© UNMISS/Radio Miraya

Sudan: WFP working round the clock as emergency food aid reaches 50,000 in need

The UN World Food Programme (WFP) has been able to support around 50,000 Sudanese in need in three states, amid the continuing fighting and food crisis there, which temporarily halted the agency’s aid operation after three staffers were killed.

That’s according to Leni Kinzli head of communications for WFP in Sudan, who said a total of 19 million are expected to face food insecurity during the coming lean season, and called on the international community not to take their eyes off the crisis in the country, provoked by the ongoing military power struggle.

UN News/Emmanuel Hungrecker

Social media and AI: Friends or foes of press freedom?

Social media has long been a boon to press freedom, allowing journalists from all over the world to make their voices heard, grow an audience, and build trust.

But rampant disinformation has increasingly eroded the space for trustworthy information online, multiplying risks for the journalists who help separate fact from fiction.

UN News

Now is the time ‘to engage the youth’, UN Forum delegate

During this week’s UN ECOSOC Youth Forum, young people have been gathering at UN Headquarters in New York, to discuss the importance of energy transition for a sustainable future.

They will be the ones left to deal with the consequences, if the necessary green energy transition fails to materialize, so they’ve been arguing for the right to be fully represented during this crucial climate change debate.  

© UNICEF/Florin Bos

9 children dead, dozens injured during Sudan fighting, as toll rises: UNICEF

Conditions for children caught up in Sudan’s military showdown are critical, with at least nine dead and over 50 injured, though the UN Children’s Fund fears that total is probably much higher.

Ammar Ammar, UNICEF’s Jordan-based regional chief of advocacy and communications covering Sudan, said only a lasting humanitarian truce can help restore shattered services, and for now it’s too dangerous for their lifesaving work to continue.

Ezzat El-Ferri of UN News Arabic, began by asking him to describe what UNICEF’s doing to help ease the suffering.

© UNHCR/Aristophane Ngargoune

Sudan: UNHCR working to aid displaced and refugees amid ‘dire situation’

More resources are urgently needed for the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) to meet the needs of thousands of refugees and internally displaced, who are fleeing the bloody showdown between rival military factions in Sudan.

That’s according to Faith Kasina, Regional Spokesperson for UNHCR who is based in Nairobi. Ezzat El-Ferri of UN News’s Arabic service began by asking her for the latest on the extent of internal displacement across the country so far.

UN News/ Emmanuel Hungrecker

Sustainability in vogue: a fashion CEO’s green journey

The fashion industry has always been driven by esthetics, but its environmental and social impacts are now coming to the forefront. Growing awareness of fashion’s carbon footprint and evolving consumer attitudes are prompting some of its biggest names, to question their business models and embark on a sustainable transformation.

UN video

Extreme weather, extreme impacts: a year of alarming climate records

Climate change has continued to drive hunger and displacement in 2022, as ever more frequent extreme weather events – drought, floods, heatwaves – have been threatening the very existence of vulnerable communities.

In a new report, the UN’s World Meteorological Organization (WMO) shows that last year, humanity’s “war on nature” – in the words of UN Secretary-General António Guterres – has resulted in several alarming records, while the years 2015 to 2022 have been the eight warmest ever.

© UNICEF/Mojtba Moawia Moawi

UNFPA delivers support to expectant mothers caught up in Sudan crisis

Six days of fighting in Sudan have been extremely devastating for civilians, including thousands of pregnant women.  Laila Baker, Regional Director for the UN's reproductive health agency, UNFPA, spoke to UN News’s Abdelmonem Makki about how staff are supporting expectant mothers amidst the crossfire and frustrated hopes of a ceasefire. 