Global perspective Human stories

UN Interviews

UN News/Ben Dotsei Malor

Military chief of UN’s ‘most dangerous mission’, in Mali, confident progress can be made

The UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali, MINUSMA, is one of the toughest UN peacekeeping operations. 

Peacekeepers stationed there have sustained severe and regular casualties from the activities of armed groups in the north of the country, and many civilians have borne the brunt of the instability, which includes deadly inter-ethnic clashes.

Archive of the Russian newspaper Oma Mua

Language is key to a brighter future for region that ‘inspired’ Tolkien, says ethnic speaker at UN talks

Karelia in the Russian Federation is a land of lakes, rivers and forests whose culture inspired Lord of the Rings author, J.R.R. Tolkien – the community proudly says - but it is at risk from climate change, big industry and a language that is in danger of dying out.

In an interview with Daniel Johnson, Alexey Tsykarev, from the Centre for Support of Indigenous Peoples in Karelia, maintains that indigenous languages and centuries-old practices need far greater protection.

© UNHCR/Santiago Escobar-Jarami

One in two Venezuelan families on the move face ‘drastic’ choices to survive

A “continued flow” of Venezuelans out of their country is to be expected, UN humanitarians said on Friday, highlighting the many risks faced by families on the move, such as begging, child labour and even so-called survival sex.

In an interview with UN News’s Samuel Mungai, UN refugee agency spokesperson Liz Throssell, explains that one in two families have encountered problems on their perilous journeys.

UN News/Daniel Johnson

Ebola ‘not top of people’s agenda’ in DRC communities, says UN health agency

An Ebola virus outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has already killed more than 1,700 people since last August, but communities there are more worried about measles and basic services, says the World Health Organization (WHO).

In an interview with UN News’s Daniel Johnson, Dr. Margaret Harris explains how the added focus on DRC since the outbreak was declared an international emergency earlier this week, could be an opportunity to do much more to help people in the longer term.


Shadows of exclusion, social stigma, darken road to sustainable development

Discriminatory laws cast “long shadows” of exclusion, subordination and social stigma, and we must commit to breaking down the barriers these laws can create, to embrace “inclusivity”.

That’s according to Justice Edwin Cameron, appointed by Nelson Mandela as the first openly gay Judge on South Africa’s Constitutional Court, and widely seen as a hero for his fight to end all forms of inequality and exclusion.

UN News/Ben Dotsei Malor

‘Exciting and potentially defining’ moment for Sudan, with people ‘taking power back’, says top UN Adviser

With Sudan so much at the centre of the whole “volatile” Horn of Africa region, its political fate will have major “implications for a number of other quite vulnerable” neighbouring countries, according to the UN’s Special Adviser on the country.

Nicholas Haysom, was recently in New York, and in an interview with UN News, spoke about how “resolving the Sudanese crisis would generate stability” for the entire region.

IFAD Twitter

UN agricultural development chief on 'State of Food Security and Nutrition' report

The newly launched "State of Food Security and Nutrition" report gives an updated estimate of the number of hungry people in the world.

It also provides the latest data on child stunting and wasting as well as on adult and child obesity.

The report is an important measure of global progress towards the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of Zero Hunger, and also offers analysis of the drivers of hunger and malnutrition.


Meet the UN health worker coordinating a mass measles vaccination campaign in DRC

The UN is leading efforts to tackle the measles epidemic in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, despite ongoing violence in the north-east, where there is also the second-deadliest Ebola virus disease outbreak on record.

In an interview with Daniel Johnson from UN News, Health Specialist Jerome Pfaffman from UN Children’s Fund, UNICEF, describes how the agency is ramping up support to those in need.

WHO/Christian Lindmeier

New life-prolonging cancer medicines added to list of essential treatments

Groundbreaking cancer treatments and medicines used to help mothers who’ve just given birth, are just two of the essential health products that all countries around the world should be providing, UN experts said on Tuesday.

In an interview with UN News’s Daniel Johnson, Dr Nicola Magrini from the World Health Organization explains how several newly-available medicines could transform people’s lives in rich and poor countries, thanks to their innovative qualities.
