Global perspective Human stories

UN Interviews

UN News/Daniel Johnson

Plastic pollution peril, symptom of world’s ‘out-of-control chemistry experiment’: top explorer

Explorer Paul Rose is usually found in the world’s wildest places where he works with scientists to find solutions to climate change.

For the last two weeks though, he’s been in downtown Geneva at a major UN conference, to encourage countries to ban widely used toxic substances and plastic pollutants.

He’s been talking to Daniel Johnson from UN News about what the average person can do to make a difference.


UN News/Paulina Greer

UN Coordinator in South Pacific highlights need to boost funding against climate change

The greatest threat to the traditional way of life across the Pacific region, is climate change, says Simona Marinescu, UN Resident Coordinator for the 28 islands that make up Samoa, Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau.

In an interview with UN News, ahead of UN Secretary-General António Guterres’s visit to the region this weekend, she says it’s vital to make sure that funding continues to help mitigate the worst effects of global warming, while also ensuring sustainable development.

Paulina Greer spoke to Ms. Marinescu, on a recent visit to UN Headquarters in New York.

UN News/Matt Wells

New resolution on sexual violence in conflict, bolsters UN’s ‘survivor-centred’ approach, says top official

A newly-passed Security Council resolution on sexual violence in conflict, “reinforces” the mandate of the UN’s top official dealing with the issue, cementing a “survivor-centred” approach in “all aspects of prevention and response”.

That’s according to the UN’s Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Pramilla Patten, in an in-depth interview with UN News following the resolution passed late last month.

UN News/Daniel Johnson

WHO leads bid to protect rural communities from neglected snakebite emergency

At least 80,000 people die from snakebites every year, but the UN health agency has a plan to help the rural communities who are worst affected.

That’s according to Dr. Bernadette Abela-Ridder, head of the World Health Organization’s Neglected Zoonotic Diseases unit.

In an interview with Daniel Johnson from UN News, she explains how the strategy will focus on boosting investment in research to find more effective serums, and providing updated medical advice for practitioners.


UN News/Conor Lennon

UN boosts countries’ ability to track terrorist movements

An innovative new initiative to track terrorists as they attempt to travel, has been launched at UN headquarters.

The United Nations Countering Terrorist Travel Programme provides countries with the technology  to improve surveillance, whilst protecting personal data and human rights.

Conor Lennon from UN News asked Jelle Postma, chief of the Countering Terrorist Travel and Aviation Security Section in the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), why the UN had decided to launch the programme.


Bangladesh braces for Cyclone Fani, UN moves to protect vulnerable refugees

UN staff in Cox’s Bazar are monitoring Cyclone Fani’s movements very closely for any potential impact on what is the world’s largest refugee camp, agencies said on Friday.

The cyclonic storm made landfall close to Puri, in eastern India, and it’s expected to reach the southwestern part of Bangladesh during Friday night.  

The UN refugee agency, UNHCR, and the International Organization for Migration, IOM, are taking measures to ensure the protection of families during the expected heavy rains and strong winds.


Communities need ‘vibrant, independent and free press’ to safeguard democracy: UNESCO

Marking World Press Freedom Day on Friday, the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is launching a campaign highlighting the vital role journalists play in maintaining a healthy democracy.

Speaking to UN News’s Li Zhang, UNESCO media chief, George Papagiannis, underlined that “communities need to have a free, independent and vibrant press” so that citizens can “participate intelligently in their civic duties” especially when it comes to election time.


Justin Bettman

An 'inclusive and free art form’ composer Antonio Sánchez lauds jazz, ahead of International Day

As jazz-great Nina Simone once said, "jazz is not just music, it is a way of life, it is a way of being, a way of thinking".

Written into the quest for human dignity, democracy and civil rights, the story of jazz is celebrated worldwide on 30 April, with the support of the UN culture agency, UNESCO.

Mexican jazz composer and drummer Antonio Sánchez, defines jazz simply as “freedom”, highlighting its inclusive power to bring “different elements together, transforming it into something greater.”
