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UN Interviews

MONUSCO/Clara Padovan

Film on Blue Helmets in DRC charts radical evolution of peacekeeping

If you’ve ever wondered how UN Blue Helmets carry out their work – and how it might look in the future – then look no further than a new film on the subject: Until There Is Peace.

Set in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and focusing on the international force there, MONUSCO, the documentary focuses on what happened when the UN Security Council created a specialized “intervention brigade” to proactively protect civilians under threat from armed groups.

FAO/Sonia Nguyen

Funding boost for Sahel’s drought-stricken farmers and herders

A near $10 million aid boost has been given to the Sahel’s drought-stricken farmers and herders, thanks to Sweden, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has announced.

More than 4 million people in the region face increasing hardship following dry spells last year that hit crop production and livestock, according to FAO.

The agency warns that families’ food stores are “emptying fast” while herders are “in desperate search” of fodder for their animals.
