Global perspective Human stories


UN News/Elizabeth Scaffidi

A long way still to go for gender equality: UN Women report

UN Women released a report on Wednesday that underscores the pervasive nature of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere.

Two and half years after the Sustainable Development Goals, known as SDGs, were adopted, the report - Turning promises into action: Gender equality in the 2030 Agenda - assesses progress so far, through the lens of gender equality.

Cengiz Yar for UNMAS

Iraqi civilians in danger from new explosives left by 'evil' ISIL bomb-makers

The presence of increasingly-deadly explosive hazards in liberated areas of Iraq are hindering efforts to rebuild and provide vital aid to families who are returning home, according to a senior manager with the UN Mine Action Service there (UNMAS).

UNMAS told UN News that its teams are working with partners in the “most complex and challenging environment imaginable”, to survey and clear these threats.

So-called “evil genius” tactics used by the ISIL, or Daesh, terrorist group, have significantly aggravated the situation.

© UNICEF/UN0148215/Prashanth Vishwanathan

“Public outcry” against child rape vital to change culture in India: UNICEF

Public outrage over recent cases of child rape in India is essential to prevent horrific abuse in the future, and to change a culture that fails to value girls.

That’s according to Dr Yasmin Ali Haque, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Representative in India, speaking to UN News, in the aftermath of the rape of an eight-month-old baby girl at the end of last month.

UNAMID/Adam Ahmed

One girl’s walk towards peace in Darfur

A young woman poet is charting a path to peace and development in Darfur, one step at a time.

Eimtithal Ibrahim Mahmoud is walking nearly 1,300 kilometres, or more than 800 miles, from El Fasher in North Darfur to Sudan’s capital, Khartoum, as part of her Dreams for Peace campaign.

A Darfuri based in Philadelphia in the United States, “Emi” set off on what she calls her “one-girl walk” on 2 February.

However, more than 100 people, mostly university students, joined her for the launch, rallying under the slogan “If we can walk together, we can work together.”

UN News/Elizabeth Scaffidi

“Be serious about resources” for reintegrating child soldiers: UN expert

The UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict has bemoaned the call of the international community to integrate child soldiers into society without providing the necessary financial resources.

Arguing that there is only a small amount of money for those released, Virginia Gamba flagged one case, which she described as “shameless”, in which 3,000 children were liberated with finances available to support only half of them for six months.

IOM/Keith Dannemiller

Migrant deaths at US-Mexico border surpass 400 in 2017: IOM

Although migrant apprehensions at the US-Mexican border decreased in 2017, the number of people who died while making the crossing remained high, the UN Migration Agency (IOM) reports.

Data published this week by its Missing Migrants Project puts the death toll at 412 last year, compared to 398 in 2016.

Dianne Penn has been speaking to Joel Millman, an IOM spokesperson based in Geneva.
