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Secretary-General details challenges and opportunities of peacekeeping to Indonesia

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is visiting four countries in Asia.

At a training centre for peacekeepers in Indonesia, Mr. Ban gave a lecture on the challenges and opportunities the country and region face when it comes to peacekeeping.

Indonesia has participated in UN peacekeeping since 1956, when its troops were deployed to the Middle East.

Dianne Penn reports.

Duration: 2'45"

UNEP forum calls for action on E-waste

Eighteen African states, the UN, the private sector and other groups have agreed on a set of priority actions to better manage electronic waste – or ewaste - in Africa.

The forum – the first of its kind on the continent – was organized by the Basel Convention and the UN Environment Programme. Delegates say e-waste could represent an important growth sector for the African economy.

Bryan Coll reports from Nairobi.

Duration: 2'27"

How to Avoid Natural Resources Pitfalls

Over the last few years, many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have benefited from the rise in commodity prices.

But being wealthy in natural resources brings its own problems such as reducing competitiveness by raising exchange rates or a narrow tax base and increasing volatility.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is hosting a conference in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kinshasa to discuss how these problems might be overcome.

Timor-Leste election an exercise in democracy

Over the weekend the citizens of Timor-Leste took to the polls to vote for a new president. Results so far show incumbent Jose Ramos-Horta will not be among candidates for a run-off scheduled for April.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has congratulated the Timorese people for showing their commitment to democracy and peace by participating in Saturday’s elections.

Among those casting ballots were inmates at the small prison at Gleno, roughly 50 miles from the capital, Dili.

Dianne Penn reports.

Duration: 2'04"

Syrian government can’t move forward with political reforms in the midst of attacks on civilians: UN official

A top UN official has drawn attention to the current situation in Syria, one year after peaceful protests began.

Assistant Secretary-General Ed Luck, the Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on the Responsibility to Protect told UN TV that government can’t move forward with political reforms and rebuild social cohesion in the midst of its attacks on civilians.

Duration: 4’44”

Kofi Annan warns Syria crisis may escalate and harm entire region

The Joint UN and Arab League Special Envoy on Syria is sending a technical team to Damascus Sunday to continue talks and negotiations he began with the government there.

Special Envoy Kofi Annan, who was in Syria last week warns that the Syrian crisis may harm the entire region if not handled properly.

He is also encouraging the Security Council to speak with one voice as he tries to resolve the crisis in the country.

Julie Walker reports.

Duration: 2'24"