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“Do things together” for education’s sake: Indigenous leader

When it comes to true educational equality for the world’s indigenous peoples, nation states need to “work together” with local leaders and embrace their common heritage.

That’s the view of Karla Jessen Williamson, an Inuit from Greenland, who is the former Executive Director of the Arctic Institute of North America and currently an academic at the University of Saskatchewan, in Canada.

UN Radio/Daniel Dickinson

Disaster preparedness in Paraguay’s biggest tip

Efforts are underway in Paraguay to prepare impoverished people living on the margins of the country’s biggest rubbish dump, for the likely eventuality of flooding.

The Cateura dump is located next to the Paraguay River in the south of the capital Asuncion.

The river floods regularly, driving some of the poorest people in this South American country away from their homes.

Daniel Dickinson has this special report from the dump.

Duration: 3’19”

Volunteer doctors plead with Security Council to help save Aleppo

Volunteer doctors who have been working in the Syrian city of Aleppo came to the UN Security Council on Monday, with a plea for more action to save lives.

In a special meeting focussing on the worsening humanitarian crisis facing Aleppo, members saw graphic photographs and videos of injured children and hospitals destroyed by aerial bombardment.

Heavy fighting in recent weeks has cut off more than 250,000 residents in Eastern Aleppo, and a counter-offensive now threatens thousands of civilians living in the west.

UNMISS/Isaac Gideon (file photo)

Perpetrators of sexual violence in South Sudan “will be held accountable”

Perpetrators of rape and sexual violence in South Sudan’s on-going conflict “will be held accountable,” said the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Sexual Violence in Conflict on Monday.

Zainab Hawa Bangura vowed that she would do everything in her power to ensure that justice is done on behalf of the victims.

UN officials have documented at least 217 cases of sexual violence committed in the capital, Juba, following the outbreak of fighting there in early July.

Youth hold the “future of Africa” in their hands

Young people are the ones who hold the “future of Africa” in their hands.

That’s according to Sammy Musungu, from Kenya, one of the winners of a multilingual essay contest who came to UN Headquarters in July to attend a global youth forum.

Mr Musungu, who wrote his essay in Spanish, is currently living and studying in western Venezuela, and is in his sixth year of medical school.

UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe

“Devastating consequences” of nuclear weapons should never be forgotten

Recent ballistic missile launches by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) shows the need for more international dialogue on the nuclear issue.

That’s the opinion of the head of the UN organization working to make a global nuclear test-ban treaty reality.

This Saturday, 6 August, marks 71 years since the world witnessed the destructive power of atomic weapons with the bombing of the Japanese city of Hiroshima during the Second World War.

A second city, Nagasaki, was bombed three days later.

UN Photo/Rick Bajornas (file photo)

US Dollar still tops the world’s “currency pyramid”

The US Dollar continues to offer advantages “no other currency” can, and sits on top of the world’s “currency pyramid”.

That’s the view of Benjamin Cohen, professor of International Political Economy at the University of California, and author of Currency Power: Understanding Monetary Rivalry.

He said China had already overtaken the United States in terms of trade, and its currency, the Renminbi, could also become dominant in the future.

He spoke to the International Monetary Fund’s Bruce Edwards.

Duration: 5’16”

UN Photo

Brazil must make tough choices following Olympic “games of exclusion”

Brazil needs to encourage a national discussion about how to get out of its “political and economic” crisis following an Olympics that have become known as the “games of exclusion”.

That’s the passionate view of Tom dos Santos, who was representing his country as one of the winners at the recent Many Languages, One World 2016 Essay Contest and Global Youth Forum.

Fluent in four languages, he said that multilingualism “opens new gates” and helps to empower and connect people around the world.


Indications of “widespread” abuse in South Sudan crisis

The UN Security Council is being urged to take stronger action on South Sudan in the wake of reports showing that “widespread violations” were committed during recent violence in the country.

The appeal has been made by the UN Human Rights High Commissioner who says preliminary investigations reveal hundreds of killings and rapes, as well as other abuses, occurred as a result of fighting which began in the capital, Juba, in early July.