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UN Photo/Daniel Johnson

“Economy of war” threatens CAR’s fragile recovery

The Central African Republic’s “economy of war” and chronic suffering are among the biggest threats to the country’s fragile recovery, the UN warned Monday.

With nearly half the population in need of humanitarian assistance, nearly US$ 400 million needs to be found to aid recovery efforts.

Here’s Daniel Johnson’s report from Geneva.

Duration: 2'46"

Alessandra Blasi/UNDP

Skills and needs “mismatch” fuels youth unemployment

The “mismatch” between required skills and qualifications in the labour market is the biggest contributor to youth unemployment in the Middle East and North Africa.

That’s according to Jasmine Nahhas di Florio, Senior Vice President of Education for Employment (EFE), a non-profit organization providing skill training to unemployed youth in both regions.

She says that two-thirds of all women are unemployed and around 26 percent of youth in the Middle East and North Africa overall are jobless.


Mosul casualties mount as offensive continues

Details are emerging of the human toll caused by the fight for the Iraqi city of Mosul, with reports that babies just two months old have sustained bullet and blast wounds.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says that since Iraqi armed forces began their assault on the ISIL terrorist stronghold five weeks ago, medical staff have treated 1,200 civilians, including women, children and infants.

Daniel Johnson has more from Geneva.

Duration: 2'15"

UN Photo/Marie Frechon

Representation of those with albinism, “game changer”

Representation of people with albinism in political positions across governments is a “game changer” in protecting their rights.

That’s according to Ikponwosa Ero, the UN’s first independent expert on albinism.

Ms Ero has joined with African leaders to come up with a regional action plan to tackle discrimination against people with albinism, who often face deadly physical attacks caused by superstitious belief that their body parts bring good fortune.

UN Photo/Daniel Johnson

Syrians "desperate" as obstacles hamper aid access

In war-torn Syria, just one convoy of humanitarian aid has reached desperate civilians so far this month, while numerous others have had to be aborted because of access difficulties, the UN said Thursday.

Updating journalists in Geneva, UN Special Adviser Jan Egeland said that “endless problems” had hampered planned deliveries, including lifesaving aid “for those in the greatest need”.


Murder, rape and kidnapping of kids in Darfur happens regularly

Murder, abduction, rape and other forms of sexual violence against children in Sudan’s Darfur state happen on a regular basis, a protection officer with the UN-African Union Mission there or UNAMID has confirmed.

The UN estimates that between 200,000 and 300,000 people have died in Darfur since the start of the current conflict in 2004.

Half of those affected by the war are children.

Although the dynamics of the conflict have recently changed in Darfur, because of an increase in inter-and-intra ethnic clashes, children remain vulnerable.

UN Photo/Andita Listyarini

UN library strives to create balance between books and digital world

How can the United Nations ensure its historic library meets the demands of the digital age while still maintain its collection of books?

That’s the question Mereani Vakasisikakala, Acting Chief of the Dag Hammarskjöld Library at UN Headquarters in New York, has been battling with.

The library has been providing research and information services to support the participation of Member States at the UN since its inception in 1946.

UNIS Vienna

Space a tool for achieving the SDGs

Space-based technologies such as satellite imagery and data can be useful tools for achieving global development objectives.

That’s according to the head of the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), Simonetta Di Pippo.

More than 100 representatives from the global space community, including heads of national space agencies, have been meeting in Dubai to share their views on how space can help drive sustainable socio-economic development.

The High Level forum was organized by UNOOSA together with the United Arab Emirates.