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Cultural sites in the Middle East face “unprecedented” destruction

Cultural sites in war-torn areas of the Middle East have been facing an “unprecedented” level of destruction, according to a representative from the UN cultural agency, UNESCO.

Karim Hendili is the Program Specialist for the Arab States Unit at UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre.

Apart from the destruction caused by conflicts, he said, many cultural artifacts in countries like Syria and Iraq have been stolen and traded illegally.

May Yaacoub asked Mr Hendili about the measures UNESCO is taking to protect heritage sites.

May Yaacoub

New project aims to empower youth in the Mediterranean region

Young people in the Mediterranean region, now have the opportunity to be a part of significant “decision making” in their own communities, through a project instigated by the UN Educational Scientific and Cultural organisation (UNESCO).

Networks of Mediterranean Youth or NET-MED Youth, is a three-year project which was implemented in 2014 by UNESCO, and funded by the European Union.

UN Photo/Andita Listyarini

“Billions” living in coastal areas will benefit from eco-friendly ferries

Eco-friendly ferries are the best method of transport for “billions” living in coastal areas, according to the winner of a million-dollar UN grant, speaking on Wednesday.

Alexandra Bech Gjorv is the chief-executive of SINTEF, an independent research institute based in Norway.

Her institute won the US$1 million competition, organized by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) for its research on solar-powered boat transport.

UN Photo/Catianne Tijerina

Victims of human rights violations in CAR seek justice

Victims of human rights violations and abuses in the Central African Republic (CAR) are calling for “justice to be done”, a senior UN official with the peacekeeping mission in the country (MINUSCA) has said.

A new report by the Mission detailing some of the violations carried out in the West African nation from June to March this year was released on Wednesday.

It’s estimated that during this period, 1, 301 cases were recorded affecting at least 2,473 victims throughout CAR.

UN Photo/Matthew Wells

SG portrait “the most special” of my career says South Korean painter

The new portrait of out-going UN chief Ban Ki-moon that was unveiled on Wednesday ranks as “the most special project I have ever worked on” says its renowned artist.

South Korean artist, Lee Won-hee, has painted presidents and other leading politicians at home, but his portrait of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is his most significant work yet, he said.

Mr Lee attended the unveiling at UN Headquarters, where the portrait will hang alongside those of Mr Ban’s seven predecessors, on the ground floor of the main Secretariat building.

UN Photo/Andita Listyarini

“Lack of recognition” in addressing sexual violence against men, boys

There has been a “lack of recognition” in addressing sexual violence against men and boys, according to a gender specialist, speaking at UN Headquarters.

Kelli Muddell is Director of the Gender Justice Program at the International Center for Transitional Justice, a UN partner organization that specializes in providing redress for human rights abuses in post-conflict areas.

She said most male victims are embarrassed to come forward because it is an act that “challenges their manhood”.

Andita Listyarini asked Ms Muddell how serious the problem was for men and boys.

UNICEF/Jan Grarup

Poor access to treatment and lack of funds make malaria a threat

Lack of funds and access to “life saving” interventions  continue to make malaria a threat according to a representative from the World Health Organisation (WHO)’s Global Malaria Programme.

Richard Cibulskis stated that some households consistently do not have access to resources which could treat the disease, transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes.

This year’s World Malaria Report noted that there were 212 million new cases of malaria worldwide in 2015.

UN Photo/Mark Garten

Exhibition showcases how women helped shape the UN

Women are on the receiving end of violence in today’s conflicts and therefore better at prevention and sustaining peace, the Ambassador of Colombia to the UN has said.

Maria Emma Mejia spoke ahead of a UN exhibition showcasing how women helped shape the United Nations throughout the years.

Along with a coalition of 66 UN Member States, she helped advocate for a woman for the post of Secretary-General during this year’s selection process.

Seven out of 13 of the candidates competing for the job were women.


Deep foreboding for Aleppo civilians amid alleged executions

Reports have emerged from Syria’s Aleppo city that dozens of civilians - including women and children - have been executed by pro-government forces as they close in on the last remaining neighbourhoods still held by opposition groups.

The UN Human Rights Office, OHCHR, said that civilians have paid a “brutal price” as the Syrian military and its allies take back the city.