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General News

Hepatitis – Know it. Confront it.

Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E – Know it. Confront it! That’s the message for World Hepatitis Day, 28th July.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is urging governments to act against the five hepatitis viruses affecting millions of people worldwide which, if left untreated, can cause acute and chronic disease and kill close to 1.4 million people every year.

Middle East peace process discussed in Security Council

An agreement is still in the process of being finalized, Robert Serry told the Security Council on Tuesday.

He was referring to negotiations on a peace agreement between Israelis and Palestinians which are scheduled to take place in the near future, as he summarized events taking place during the past reporting period.

Gerry Adams has more.

Duration: 2'57"

WFP appeals for $20 million to deliver critical lifesaving food aid to South Sudan

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is launching an urgent appeal for $20 million for its emergency operation in South Sudan.

WFP spokesperson Elizabeth Byrs says this money will provide critical life-saving food assistance, as well as transport to difficult remote areas, to over 60,000 people displaced by violence in Jonglei state, South Sudan.

She tells UN Radio’s Patrick Maigua in Geneva that these people are in desperate need of help.

Duration: 2’50”

Expert says long-term planning and strategic thinking key to food security in Malawi

Six years ago, Malawi was reaping praise for its policies that helped combat hunger by subsidizing maize production.

But a UN human rights expert says lack of investment in other areas, notably in soil health and in developing irrigation techniques, means the country is still plagued by food insecurity.

Olivier De Schutter, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food, has just concluded an 11-day mission to the landlocked nation where more than 50 per cent of the population lives in poverty.

Registering births in Nigeria

A mother registers her child in Nigeria. [Photo source: UNIFEED][/caption]UNICEFestimates that Nigeria will have the highest absolute rise in child population by 2025.

To account for this rapidly growing population and address challenges associated with getting children registered, the Government, with the support of UNICEF and partners, has established a monitoring and evaluation system called RapidSMS.

Conference focuses on disability needs post-2015

Conference of State Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. [UN Photo/Mark Garten][/caption]The sixth session of the Conference of States Parties of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the CRPD, is winding up its three day meeting at the United Nations.

Penny Hartin, Chief Executive Officer of the World Blind Union, says a high point of the meeting has been its focus on including the needs of people with disabilities in the post-2015 development agenda.

Expand social protection, reduce poverty for persons with disabilities

Ambassador Macharia Kamau of Kenya, President of the Conference of States Parties to Disabilities Rights Convention at a press briefing. [UN Photo/Mark Garten][/caption]Improving living standards and employment opportunities for persons with disabilities is a major focus of attention of a meeting taking place on disabilities at the United Nations.

The 132 States parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities are looking at ways to make development “disability-inclusive”.

Gerry Adams reports.

Duration: 3'04"

Nelson Mandela International Day celebrated at the UN

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, former US President Bill Clinton, and Reverend Jesse Jackson during an event commemorating the Nelson Mandela International Day [UN Photo/Eskinder Debeb][/caption]July 18 is Nelson Mandela International Day. It’s also the day when President Nelson Mandela celebrates his 95th birthday.

The UN General Assembly in New York marks this Day with an informal meeting to honour the South African leader’s contributions to democracy, racial justice and reconciliation.