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Refugee teacher Hassanie Ahmad Hussein teaches a class outdoors at the school in Kouchaguine-Moura refugee camp in eastern Chad.
© UNHCR/Colin Delfosse

Lewis Hamilton lines up with UNHCR in equality drive for refugee children’s education

Racing driver Sir Lewis Hamilton, seven-time Formula 1 world champion, is backing a fresh call from the UN on Tuesday for all refugee children and youth to be given access to a full quality education. He’s one driving force behind the release of a new report from UN refugee agency, UNHCR, revealing the urgent need for more international support for refugee students. 

Forest Fire in Saskatchewan, Canada.
Unsplash/Landon Parenteau

Climate change impacts ‘heading into uncharted territory’, warns UN chief

“Climate science is clear: we are heading in the wrong direction”, declares a major, multi-agency UN climate science report released on Tuesday, with a focus on increasing fossil fuel emissions and rising greenhouse gases, now at a record high, which risk thwarting plans to reduce global temperatures and avoid climate catastrophe.