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Hamdullah Mohib, Chair of Delegation of Afghanistan, addresses the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly’s General Debate. (30 September 2019)
UN Photo/Cia Pak

Millions of Afghans have ‘voted not just for a president, but also for democracy’, UN Assembly told

Just two days ago, some three million Afghans faced the threat of terrorism and headed to the polls, to “vote not just for a president, but also for democracy,” Hamdulla Mohib, Afghanistan’s National Security Adviser told the UN General Assembly on Monday, adding that no matter the outcome of the elections, “peace is and will remain the Government’s priority.”

Bocchit Edmond, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Haiti, addresses the general debate of the General Assembly’s 74th session.
UN Photo/Cia Pak

Haitian Foreign Minister calls for development reboot to close ‘striking gap’ between promises and action on ending poverty

The future of humanity hinges on full implementation of the 2030 Agenda, if we don't get there, “we may never see the world that ‘we the peoples of the United Nations’ have long been calling for,” Bocchit Edmond, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Haiti, told the General Assembly, the Organization’s top deliberative body.