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UNMISS peacekeepers have been assisting displaced civilians in South Sudan by providing protection, building sanitation facilities and giving medical support.

South Sudan: Ban, Security Council strongly condemn deadly attack on UN base

With the security and humanitarian situations in South Sudan deteriorating as a result of the country's political disputes, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the members of the Security Council have strongly condemned the ongoing violence, including the deadly attack on a United Nations base in Akobo yesterday, which killed some 20 civilians and two peacekeepers.
Children wait for water at a school where they have taken shelter from the increasingly brutal sectarian violence in the Central African Republic.
IRIN/Hannah McNeish

Central African Republic: UN rights official calls for international efforts to avert disaster

The crisis in the Central African Republic (CAR), where thousands of people have been killed and 750,000 others driven from their homes, risks deteriorating even further amid escalating Muslim-Christian clashes and the reported involvement of foreign elements, a top United Nations official warned today, calling for international efforts to help avert disaster.
A view of the temporary General Assembly hall.
UN Photo/Amanda Voisard (file photo)

General Assembly backs right to privacy in digital age

Deeply concerned that electronic surveillance, interception of digital communications and collection of personal data may negatively impact human rights, the United Nations General Assembly has adopted a consensus resolution strongly backing the right to privacy, calling on all countries take measures to end activities that violate this fundamental “tenet of a democratic society.”