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Concerned at food shortfall in DPR Korea, UN agency seeks to increase aid

Facing a huge shortfall in the $102 million it has already sought to feed up to 1.9 million especially vulnerable people in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) today appealed for an immediate increase in funding from donor nations just to avert a further deterioration of the situation.

Indonesia, UN reach accord on bird flu virus samples and vaccine access

Indonesia will immediately resume supplying the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) with viruses from its bird flu outbreak, a vital tool in tracking possible mutations into a deadly human pandemic and producing vaccines, while the agency will seek to ensure access for developing countries to any such commercially developed vaccines.

UN agency issues new locust warning for northeast Africa

In a new offensive against locusts, the United Nation Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) today called on countries in northeast Africa to intensify surveys and control operations against the crop-devouring insects, particularly on the Red Sea coast of Eritrea and Sudan and in northwest Somalia.