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Global solidarity is imperative for the world to find new ways to work together for the common good of all people in every country.
©UNICEF/Rooftop Productions

Greater global solidarity needed to achieve peace and security for Africa

The deputy UN chief on Thursday emphasized the “vital importance” of peace and security in Africa, thanking ambassadors in the Security Council for helping the UN shine a spotlight on the issue, and how all Member States can work with the African Union and other regional and sub-regional groups, to make lives more secure across the continent.

UN/Paula Bustamante

No Denying It episode 10: The Try Guys Introduce Chibeze Ezekiel

In the tenth and final episode of the UN climate action podcast No Denying It, YouTube stars The Try Guys introduce Chibeze Ezekiel, a Ghanaian community organizer who began a community campaign to resist, when a new local coal project was announced. Following the campaign,Ghana went on to commit to renewable energy for all future projects.

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