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The UN Global Digital Compact aims to bring together governments and industry to ensure that technology, like AI, works for all humanity.
UN Photo/Elma Okic

INTERVIEW: AI expert warns of 'digital colonization' in Africa

Artificial intelligence (AI) is ripe to help resolve certain major problems in Africa, from farming to the health sector, but Senegalese expert Seydina Moussa Ndiaye is warning of a new “colonization” of the continent by this new technology if foreign companies continue to feed on African data without involving local actors.

UN Partnerships/ Pier Paolo Cito

The UN’s role in setting international rules on AI

The release of GPT-4 in 2023, along with other powerful easy-to-use Artificial Intelligence tools such as deepfakes and voice cloning, led to heightened calls for regulation of the technology. UN News speaks to Carme Artigas, Co-Chair of the UN’s AI Advisory Body, about the group’s recommendations for advancing the international governance of AI.
