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Bolivia: Annan praises peaceful elections, offers UN assistance

Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who has closely followed developments in Bolivia ever since street protests led to the resignation of President Carlos Mesa earlier this year, today voiced satisfaction at Sunday’s peaceful elections and offered United Nations help in addressing the challenges that lie ahead.

UN Council told of remarkable turnaround in Sierra Leone

In his final briefing to the Security Council on Sierra Leone today, the top United Nations envoy there said that the country’s rebirth from the horrors of civil war is continuing, long with a growing sense of stability and an improvement of basic services, though international security assistance is still needed.

Despite missed deadline, Quartet peace plan still valid: UN envoy

With only 10 days left before the expiration of the original deadline of the Middle East Diplomatic Quartet’s so-called Road Map peace plan for a final and settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a top United Nations official stressed today that the plan is still the agreed framework for reaching a lasting peace in the Middle East.