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At the heart of the discussions at the Addis conference will be strategies to help governments unlock both domestic and international resources to improve the lives of their people and future generations. Seen here are school children in a classroom in Ga
UN Photo/Marco Dormino

Adequate, targeted financing key to people-centred sustainable development – UN official

In 2002, the global community came together in Monterrey, Mexico, to address key financial issues affecting global development. The International Conference on Financing for Development, the first United Nations gathering of its kind, resulted in a landmark global agreement in which developed and developing countries recognized their responsibilities in key areas such as trade, aid, debt relief and institution-building.
A boy in northern Syria uses a sponge to collect spilled fuel from an oil drum.
Ahmad Baroudi/Save the Children

Syria's 'disastrous' conflict fuelling child labour and exploitation across region, warns new UN report

Much more needs to be done to reverse the trend of an ever increasing number of children forced to work as a result of the conflict in Syria often “carrying heavy loads, being exposed to pesticides and toxic chemicals, and working long hours,” according to a joint report released today by the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) and Save the Children.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon addresses opening of the Caribbean Sustainable Development High Level Dialogue.
UN Photo/Evan Schneider

Caribbean States 'lighting path' towards sustainable future, says UN chief in Barbados

This is a year for global action, with international community in the final stretch of preparing a transformative post-2015 agenda for sustainable development that will be agreed in New York in September, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon declared in Bridgetown, where, two decades ago, the Barbados Programme of Action was adopted to tackle vulnerabilities facing small islands.
Academy Award-winning actor and environmental activist Robert Redford, at the United Nations for a high-level event on climate change, speaks to the UN News Centre.
UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe

INTERVIEW: "Climate change is in everybody's backyard" – Robert Redford

Actor and environmental activist Robert Redford paid his first visit to the United Nations Headquarters in New York this week to address the UN General Assembly’s High-Level Meeting on Climate Change, which aimed to energize multilateral cooperation on the issue ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris later this year. In the French capital, countries will discuss an agreement intended to succeed to the landmark Kyoto Protocol on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.