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Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in Syria.
UN Photo/Evan Schneider

At Security Council, Ban and UN special envoy outline ‘way forward’ on political solution for war-torn Syria

Describing the more than four years of “slaughter” in Syria as a “shameful symbol of the international community’s divisions and failure,” United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today appealed to the Security Council to endorse his Special Envoy’s recommendations on reaching the political solution that “all parties claim to support.”
Boys hold shrapnel from exploded artillery shells while standing on a street damaged by blasts in Sana’a, the capital of Yemen.
UNICEF/Mohamed Hamoud

Durable ceasefire needed as ‘humanitarian catastrophe’ leaves millions suffering in Yemen – UN relief chief

The conflict in Yemen has brought “appalling damage” on an already suffering people, the top United Nations humanitarian official told the Security Council today, pressing the international community to redouble its efforts to secure a pause in the fighting respected by all parties, thus providing space for relief workers to reach desperate civilians and for the warring sides to agree a durable ceasefire and, ultimately, a political solution.
Photo: UNODC

UN human rights officials seriously concerned by verdicts in trial of former members of Qadhafi regime

The verdicts in the trial of 37 Qadhafi regime officials, including against the former leader’s son, Saif al-Islam Qadhafi, handed down today by the Tripoli Court of Assize, has drawn serous concern from senior United Nations human rights officials in Libya, as well as in Geneva, amid fears the trial did not meet international standards on a number of fronts.