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General Assembly Vice-President Abulkalam Abdul Momen.
UN Photo/Marco Castro

UN honours poet Tagore for messages of tolerance and harmony

The United Nations today honoured Nobel laureate, Rabindranath Tagore, whose collection of poetry, Gitanjali, and its universal message of harmony are the focus of an event at the Headquarters in New York aimed at promoting mutual respect and cross-cultural understanding.
Children at a disability centre in Hargesia, capital of Somaliland.
IRIN/Jane Some

Given same opportunities as others, children with disabilities can be agents of change – UN report

Children with disabilities have the same rights as all children but are some of the most invisible and marginalized people in the world according to a United Nations report released today, which cites recommendations on how to actively include children with disabilities in civic, social and cultural affairs so that both they and their communities benefit.