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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel addresses the general debate of the General Assembly’s seventieth session.
UN Photo/Cia Pak

At UN, Israeli leader calls on Palestinians to resume peace talks, deplores Iran for annihilation threats

At the same United Nations podium from which Mahmoud Abbas announced yesterday that he would no longer be bound by accords with Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today called on the Palestinian leader to begin immediate unconditional peace talks in a speech largely devoted to denouncing Iran for its threats to annihilate the Jewish State.
People in a market in the West Bank city of Ramallah.
World Bank/Arne Hoel

UN envoy condemns deadly shooting attack in West Bank

The United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process has condemned a shooting attack that took place today on an Israeli civilian vehicle in the West Bank which resulted in the death of two people and injuries to their four children.
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of Greece addresses the general debate of the General Assembly’s seventieth session.
UN Photo/Cia Pak

Future of Europe cannot be built on ‘ever-higher walls,’ Greek Prime Minister tells UN

Addressing the United Nations General Assembly, Alexis Tsipras, the Prime Minister of Greece, said his country is striving to bolster regional security and supporting all efforts promoting peace and stability, even as it copes with three complex challenges – an economic crisis, unprecedented migration flows, and huge numbers of refugees from outside the region.