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Children surrender their weapons during a ceremony formalizing their release from the SSDA Cobra Faction armed group, in Pibor, South Sudan (February 2015).

UNICEF welcomes final release of child soldiers by armed group in South Sudan

Militants in South Sudan have handed over to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) a final group of 283 children in what the agency described as “a small piece of good news in what is otherwise a terrible situation for children in other parts of [the country],” where many boys and girls have been abducted and forcibly recruited as child soldiers.
Angelina Jolie, Special Envoy of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), addresses the Security Council on the continuing conflict in Syria and the humanitarian and refugee crises.
UN Photo/Mark Garten

Security Council must match scale of Syria crisis with 'bold response' – UN relief officials

The Syrian crisis is getting worse and civilians are paying the price, senior United Nations humanitarian officials said today as they called for an end to the “numbness to the senseless violence”, while the Security Council demanded parties to the conflict facilitate expanded aid operations and immediate delivery of life-saving supplies to hard-to-reach and besieged areas.
Migrants at a detention centre in the city of Zawiya, Libya.
Mathieu Galtier/IRIN

Libya: UN condemns ‘horrific’ week of human rights violations amid county’s rising violence

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) today condemned the “successive horrific incidents” in Libya this past week – ranging from the appalling loss of life in the Mediterranean of those escaping violence, the execution of Christians and the killings of several members of a prominent family by the so-called ‘Islamic State in Libya.’
High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Zeid Al Hussein.
UN Photo/Jean-Marc Ferré

UN rights chief urges UK to curb tabloid hate speech, end ‘decades of abuse’ targeting migrants

After decades of “sustained and unrestrained anti-foreigner abuse,” and in the wake of a recent article in the Sun newspaper calling migrants ‘cockroaches,’ the United Nations human rights chief today urged British authorities and media to take steps to curb incitement to hatred by tabloid newspapers, in line with the country’s obligations under national and international law.