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Behind the scenes of the making of a flagship UN report on human development

A year and a half ago, researchers at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) sent a series of emails to thousands of people around the world. Those messages marked the first steps in a long and detailed journey that culminated in today’s release of the latest edition of what has become one of the UN’s flagship publications – the Human Development Report.

Ban voices hope ahead of final leg of negotiations on climate change treaty

The frozen positions preventing governments from making progress in negotiations for a new greenhouse gas emissions treaty are beginning to thaw, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on Saturday in a series of speeches in Copenhagen, aimed at cranking up the pressure on nations to finalize an ambitious new pact at a conference in the city this December.

UN meeting reaches agreement on measuring desertification

The world's countries have agreed to a minimum set of indicators for monitoring and assessing the extent of desertification, drought and land degradation in what a United Nations official has called a “groundbreaking achievement” in the battle against a problem afflicting nations on every continent.