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UN food agency praises Sudanese States for supporting school meals drive

Highlighting the fact that providing a daily meal at school for children boosts attendance, improves child nutrition and helps concentration, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) today praised the leaders of three Sudanese States for backing the agency’s school meals campaign and urged international donors to provide more assistance to Africa’s largest country.

Sudan: UN concerned for 90,000 displaced people after aid group asked to leave

Living conditions for 90,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the conflict ridden Darfur region of Sudan are likely to get worse after Sudanese authorities asked the Norwegian non-governmental organization that was coordinating the largest IDP camp to leave, the top United Nations relief official said today, just a few days after authorities banned him from visiting the impoverished region.

UN-backed workshop aims to support education for Iraq’s children

The needs of 600,000 Iraqi children who recently missed out on their formal education were addressed in a three-day workshop involving the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the Iraqi Ministry of Education, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and other experts.