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UN expert urges donors to make good on reproductive health pledges

Developing countries have made tremendous strides in improving reproductive health and tackling women's rights issues, but rich nations have provided only $3.1 billion of the $6.1 billion they pledged for these goals a decade ago at a watershed United Nations population conference, a senior United Nations official said today.

Nigeria and Cameroon discuss handover of Bakassi Peninsula

Nigerian and Cameroonian delegates to a United Nations commission have met to discuss the peaceful implementation of a October 2002 World Court ruling ceding the formerly disputed, mineral-rich Bakassi Peninsula to Cameroon by 15 September, the UN Office for West Africa (UNOWA) said.

Witnesses accuse rebels of carrying out Burundi massacre, Annan says

While two United Nations missions probe the mid-August massacre at the Gatumba refugee camp in Burundi, Secretary-General Kofi Annan says in a report released today that eyewitnesses blamed a rebel group from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), along with Rwandan elements, saying the Burundian rebels who claimed responsibility for the slaughter were elsewhere at the time.