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The former LRA leader, Dominic Ongwen, has been found guilty at the ICC of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Warlord found guilty of crimes against humanity in northern Uganda, a 'significant milestone' - Guterres

A former Ugandan warlord whose forces attacked camps for the internally displaced across the country, has been found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court, judges ruled on Thursday, a judgement described by the UN chief as a "significant milestone".

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A school of fish in Quintana Roo, on the Yucatán Peninsula's Caribbean coast of  Mexico.
Coral Reef Image Bank/Philip Ham

‘Make peace with nature’, UN chief urges at Ocean Decade launch

January marked the beginning of what many within the UN and beyond view as “the most critical decade of our lives”, the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) said on Wednesday, launching a major initiative to protect the world’s oceans through the next ten years.


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