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Landmark UN tobacco-control treaty comes into force on Sunday

The United Nations global treaty to curb tobacco use, which now claims nearly 5 million lives a year and causes an estimated annual net loss of $200 billion in treatment and lost productivity, comes into force on Sunday with a host of tools to clamp down on the world's leading cause of preventable deaths.

Sustainable tourism must respect local cultures, UN agency says

Sustainable tourism in built-up areas must ensure a better urban environment for both residents and tourists, respect cultural diversity and guide observers in interpreting the distinctive building types in different destinations, according to a declaration from the United Nations World Tourism Organization (WTO).

World population to reach 9.1 billion in 2050, UN projects

The world's population will reach 6.5 billion by July and, despite lower expected fertility rates, is likely to reach 9.1 billion by 2050, with most of the increase taking place in developing countries, the United Nations Population Division says in its revised report for 2004.

UN probing rape allegations against peacekeepers in Haiti

A preliminary investigation into a Haitian woman's rape accusations against United Nations peacekeepers suggests that the encounter involved prostitution, but since the personal code of conduct for "blue helmets" forbids that kind of contact, the soldiers will be disciplined, a UN spokesman said today.