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Sindhoor Pangal (center) worked with Masons Ink and a team of women masons to create her mud home.
© Sindhoor Pangal

Path to low-carbon construction is clear as mud

The use of building materials such as cement and steel create a massive carbon footprint, and the industry overall is responsible for almost 40 per cent of global CO2 emissions, mainly in terms of production and transport. Now, two women architects in India think they might have a new, perhaps counter-intuitive solution to sustainable construction: building with mud.

A wide view of the UN General Assembly as members states meet on the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
UN Photo/Evan Schneider

General Assembly President condemns ‘catastrophic, unconscionable, shameful’ conditions in Gaza

Ambassadors in the UN General Assembly again discussed on Monday the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza and the critical work of the UN agency for Palestine refugees, UNRWA, which is facing an existential threat, hearing a briefing by its Commissioner-General, Philippe Lazzarini, and holding a heated debate on the US veto of the latest Security Council draft resolution calling for a ceasefire in the war-torn enclave.