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Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu of Turkey addresses the general debate of the General Assembly’s seventieth session.
UN Photo/Cia Pak

At UN, Turkish Prime Minister urges action to end Syrian crisis

Recalling the heart-rending story of the little boy whose lifeless body washed up on a beach in Turkey last month, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu today urged the United Nations to take swift action to address the deepening crisis in Syria and to protect the millions of people “fleeing war and tyranny.”
A general view of the Ministerial Level Security Council meeting on the maintenance of international peace and security in the Middle East and North Africa and countering terrorist threats in the region.
UN Photo/Loey Felipe

At Security Council, Ban underscores shared responsibility to resolve Mid-east conflicts

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called for using all the tools available to the United Nations to help steer the Middle East and North Africa towards a path of freedom, safety and dignity, citing in particular the obligation of the international community to ensure a peaceful solution to the conflict in Syria and accountability for serious crimes committed there.
President Maithripala Sirisena of Sri Lanka addresses the general debate of the General Assembly’s seventieth session.
UN Photo/Cia Pak

At UN, President of Sri Lanka details country’s ‘new vision’ built on sustainability and reconciliation

After years of conflict, “a new era of democracy” dawned in Sri Lanka this year, ushering in justice, freedom and equality, the country’s President told the United Nations General Assembly today, reporting that his Government supports a “fresh universal approach” that deals honestly with the past while pursuing sustainable development.