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UN-backed Global Fund says investment in treatment and prevention pays off

The number of people being treated for HIV/AIDS through resources provided by the United Nations-backed Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria has risen to more than half a million, while programmes it has supported to distribute insecticide-treated bed nets in malaria-plagued countries are now reaching more than 11 million people, officials said today.

Milosevic died of natural causes, not murder, UN inquiry confirms

Slobodan Milosevic, the late President of Yugoslavia and accused architect of genocide in the Balkans, was not the victim of murder at the time of his death from a heart attack in March, the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) said today, confirming the results of earlier investigations.

‘Jobs, jobs, jobs’ are Liberia’s top priority – UN official

With unemployment running at an estimated 85 per cent in Liberia, the creation of “jobs, jobs, jobs” is a top priority as the country struggles to rebuild economically, a senior United Nations official has said, urging rapid debt relief, international assistance and other measures to foster growth and development.