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UN humanitarian team taking aid to area of flooded Haiti

A team of United Nations humanitarian agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) today will carry aid to one of the areas of Haiti worst affected by the raging floods that followed days of torrential rain, killing nearly 400 people and injuring almost 1,000 in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Security Council discusses draft resolution on Iraq

The United Nations Security Council today met in closed session to discuss a draft resolution on Iraq, while Special Adviser Lakhdar Brahimi continued contacts in Baghdad aimed at helping the Iraqis set up a transitional government to receive sovereignty on 30 June.

Annan saddened by flooding in Caribbean

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan is saddened by reports that severe flooding throughout the Caribbean has caused heavy loss of life and extensive damage, especially in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, his spokesman said today.