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Drought-affected people in the Afar Region of Ethiopia – one of the hardest hit with all 32 of its woredas (districts) classified as a nutrition ‘priority 1’ – carry wheat donations to a rented corrugated iron store.
UNICEF/Mulugeta Ayene

WHO and partners appeal for $2.2 billion with humanitarian health needs at ‘all-time high’

Ongoing turmoil in Syria and the impact of drought in Ethiopia are among the diverse and pressing crises cited by the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) as the agency and its partners appealed for some $2.2 billion to provide lifesaving health services to more than 79 million people in more than 30 countries facing protracted emergencies this year.
High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Kim Won-soo addresses  the opening of the UN Disarmament Commission’s 2016 session in New York.
UN Photo/Loey Felipe

Disarmament Commission has ‘considerable potential’ to produce solid results – senior UN official

Despite a “deepening paralysis and divisions within multilateral disarmament bodies,” and the fact that many are looking outside traditional United Nations forums for progress, the top official on the issue stressed today that the UN Disarmament Commission has considerable potential to demonstrate that the existing disarmament machinery can produce results.