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UNiting Against Hate Podcast
United Nations

UNiting Against Hate: A new series from UN Podcasts

What exactly is hate speech, how does it undermine human rights, and who is responsible for tackling it? UNiting Against Hate, a new series from UN Podcasts, discusses these issues with people who have directly experienced hate speech; and the activists and experts around the world who are working to counter it.

COP27 wraps up its work in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.
Kiara Worth

COP27 closes with deal on loss and damage: ‘A step towards justice’, says UN chief

After days of intense negotiations that stretched into early Sunday morning in Sharm el-Sheikh, countries at the latest UN Climate Change Conference, COP27, reached agreement on an outcome that established a funding mechanism to compensate vulnerable nations for ‘loss and damage’ from climate-induced disasters. 

Children attend class at a school in Olyzarivka, Ukraine. The village was a frontline for weeks during the conflict and was severely damaged.
© UNICEF/Ashley Gilbertson

INTERVIEW: Transform education, and avoid a global learning crisis

One of the centrepieces of the opening week of the new General Assembly session is an event aimed at focusing fresh attention on the global crisis surrounding learning, and proposing solutions to make education fit for the Twenty-First Century. Ahead of the event, UN News spoke to Leonardo Garnier, the Special Advisor charged with making the Transforming Education Summit a success.

Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia is one of the most polluted cities in the world.
ADB/Ariel Javellana

‘The air that keeps us alive is making us sick’, warn UN experts on Clean Air Day

International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies, marked on 7 September, takes place in a world where almost all the air we breathe is polluted, and some seven million people die from air pollution every year. Ahead of the Day, UN News spoke to two experts about the scale of the problem, and the solutions that already exist.

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"Memory of Slavery” exhibited at UNESCO's Slave Route Project in Paris. (file)
UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo

INTERVIEW: ‘Break the bonds of shame’ about slavery – UN rights experts

31 August marks the International Day for People of African Descent, on which the UN calls for the elimination of all forms of discrimination against persons who fit this description. Ahead of the Day, UN News spoke to Dominique Day, and Verene Shepherd, two experts on the subject, who want to raise awareness about the links between the Transatlantic Slave Trade and the global economy.
