Global perspective Human stories

UN Interviews

International community making progress on protecting people

The international community is making progress on protecting people from genocide and other crimes.

That’s according to the UN Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on the Responsibility to Protect.

Edward Luck says the agreement signed by heads of state and government in 2005 has made a difference.

Daniel Dickinson has been talking to Mr Luck about the responsibility states have towards protecting their citizens.

Duration: 3'17


70th Anniversary of Declaration by United Nations observed

Scholars, policy makers and former United Nations officials are gathering  in London on Wednesday to mark the 70th anniversary of the Declaration by United Nations.

The declaration in January 1942 was agreed by 26 nations which fought against Germany, Italy and Japan during the Second World War.

It called for an end to totalitarianism and military regimes.

The term United Nations was actually used by United States President Franklin Roosevelt during the war to refer to the allies that were fighting the axis powers.


'Mass gatherings' pose health risks

People who gather in large crowds run a higher risk of catching communicable diseases, especially if that crowd is made up of people from different countries or cultures.

The UN’s World Health Organization says these so-called “mass gatherings” can pose a risk to the health of a country….depending on what surge capacity the country has; in other words how well it can respond to a sudden outbreak of a disease.

Patrick Maigua has been speaking to Dr Maurizio Barbeschi from WHO about how these risks can be managed.


Breaking the silence around violence against women

Breaking the silence surrounding the issue of violence against women has been one of the greatest achievements of the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women.

That’s according to the President of the grant-making body, Meryem Aslan.

According to the UN, one out of three women globally has suffered violence at least once in her lifetime.

Ms. Alsan speaks about the efforts led by the Fund since 1996 to free the world from this form of violence.

Duration:  3'57"


Job creation in Haiti key to development

The creation of jobs in Haiti is being seen as a key element in the recovery of the Caribbean island, two years after it was devastated by an earthquake.

Over 200,000 people were killed when the earthquake struck on January 12th 2010.

The United Nations supported Haiti through the immediate crisis and the reconstruction that followed.

And as Donn Bobb reports, attention is now focused on long-term economic recovery.

Duration: 2’23”


Dignity and determination of women to overcome abuses: Ban

Women around the world are acting with dignity and determination to overcome the abuses that they frequently face. That’s according to the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, who has been discussing the challenges the world body faces in 2012.  He said the establishment last year of the new agency UN Women showed the United Nations is committed to helping women overcome the problems they face. Maha Fayek asked the Secretary-General what women around the world are expecting from him.

Duration: 2'55"


“Massive” emergency operation launched in South Sudan

A “massive” emergency operation has been launched in South Sudan following inter-ethnic violence in Jonglei state.

The Government of South Sudan declared the area a disaster zone after 6000 Lou Nuer youths went on a rampage attacking rival Murle people.

Around 60,000 people are now in need of humanitarian aid.

Donn Bobb asked the United Nations humanitarian chief in South Sudan, Lise Grande for an update on the situation.

Duration: 2’43”
