Global perspective Human stories

UN Interviews

WFP/Fadi Halabi

Syria: ‘Every story is moving’, UN food relief agency calls for more access 

Wrapping up a two-day visit to the northwest part of Syria last week, UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore, and World Food Programme (WFP) Executive Director David Beasley stressed the urgent need to provide families with basic services.  

The visit comes amid a dangerous escalation in northwest Syria and as the conflict is about to enter its 10th year.  

UN News/Elizabeth Scaffidi

Satellites give insight on coronavirus, other diseases

With COVID-19, an on-going global concern, satellite imagery can play a powerful role in tracking where we are and how we’re responding to “restrictions on movement” due to the coronavirus.

That’s according to Robert Chen, co-chair of the Thematic Research Network on Data and Statistics, known as TReNDS, who was at UN Headquarters this week to discuss his initiative, which is part of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

UN Photo/Yutaka Nagata

Javier Pérez de Cuéllar reaped diplomatic success ‘perhaps without parallel’ in UN history

The former Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, who has died aged 100, was responsible for a series of diplomatic breakthroughs that were “perhaps without parallel, in the history of the UN.”

That’s according to his most senior aide, Chef de Cabinet Virendra Dayal, in an interview on Thursday by phone from his home in Delhi.

© MSC shipping

Coronavirus COVID-19: don’t panic, says top UN economist

As deaths continue to rise from the coronavirus outbreak, its economic consequences are becoming clearer, too.

In an interview with UN News’s Daniel Johnson, Pamela Coke-Hamilton from the UN Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD, highlights how the challenge posed by the disease to China’s key role in global manufacturing, will likely affect rich and poor countries alike.

Reassuringly, she also explains that for now at least, there’s no reason to panic.

UNIC Canberra/Tidbinbilla Nature Park

Managing genetic diversity ‘essential’ for species to adapt to climate change

After more than 240 days, the Australian state of New South Wales is finally free from bushfires, officials there announced last week.

But the massive wildfires have scorched millions of acres in the country since July last year, and Australia remains highly vulnerable to further natural disasters.

In an interview with UN News, Jennifer Pierson, Wildlife Program Leader at the Tidbinbilla Nature Park, just outside Canberra, said that climate change needs to start being integrated in conservancy programs, and more genetic diversity management is needed.
