Global perspective Human stories

UN Interviews

UN/Liz Scaffidi

South African teen raises her voice on behalf of children…and the UN

A South African teenager was at the UN recently to raise her voice for children everywhere, particularly on the issues of education, child labour and gender inequality.

Lathitha Beyile from Soweto read a manifesto she had written which was inspired by children in her country.

The 14-year-old also served as a guest UN spokesperson during the daily briefing for journalists at the Secretariat: part of the events celebrating World Children’s Day in November, which saw children “take over” high-visibility roles in media, politics, business and sports and entertainment.

UN News/Mustafa Al-Gamal

No stone left unturned to ensure budget benefits the world community: UN official

The United Nations General Assembly on Sunday approved a $5.4 billion budget for the Organization for the biennium 2018-2019.

The programme budget covers UN activities across a range of areas, including, political affairs, international justice and law, regional cooperation for development, human rights and humanitarian affairs, and public information, among others.

Johannes Huisman, the Director of Programme Planning and Budget Division at the UN, spoke to Ben Malor on the key features.

Duration: 5'52"


UNICEF official shares memories of “a horrible year” for children in Yemen

For children in Yemen, there could not have been a worse year than 2017.

That’s the assessment of the Representative of the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in the war-torn country, Meritxell Relaño.

Besides ongoing deadly conflict, children there have faced a cholera epidemic, looming famine, a disruption in health services and a blockade hampering delivery of much-needed supplies.

UN News (screengrab)

New UN mission to support rule of law, police development in Haiti

Mobile police teams from the new UN mission in Haiti will bring together local communities and political leaders in efforts to find solutions to the country’s peace and justice needs.

Susan Page, Head of the UN Mission for Justice Support in Haiti (MINUJUSTH), believes this “bottom-up and top-down approach” will help strengthen rule-of law-institutions in the Caribbean nation.

OCHA/J-L. Mbalivoto

UN centre improving lives by linking people and humanitarian data

Access to data is crucial for humanitarians responding to various crises worldwide.

For example, aid workers feeding hungry people in Nigeria use a mobile-based platform to monitor the price of rice and other staples to know when costs increase.

To better assist these professionals, the UN has opened the Centre for Humanitarian Data in the Netherlands that aims to improve lives by connecting people and data.

UN/Daniel Johnson

'Father of the Internet' offers reassurance to virtual world

People intent on causing harm to others by misusing the Internet are a modern-day threat that the global IT community is doing all it can to overcome, one of the web’s so-called “founding fathers” said on Thursday.

Dr. Vinton Cerf, Chief Internet Evangelist at Google and one of the original designers of the virtual network, gave the reassuring message at the Internet Governance Forum in Geneva.

UN/Manuel Elias

Transporting voting material part of UN support to Liberia elections

Liberians return to the polls next week for a run-off election to replace President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the first African woman to be elected a Head of State.

The vote will mark the end of an era as her legacy will be tied to UN efforts to build peace in the aftermath of two civil wars between 1989 and 2003.

That’s according to Farid Zarif, head of the UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), which concludes its mandate in March after 15 years there.

UN/Matt Wells

Yazidi documentary 'a positive weapon' against ongoing genocide

Documenting the horrors suffered by the Yazidis at the hands of ISIL, or Daesh, terrorists provides a “positive weapon” to confront the dangers of modern-day genocide.

That’s one of the hopes expressed by the German-Yazidi producer of a new film screened at the UN this week called Háwar – A Cry For Help.

Düzen Tekkal was a journalist and filmmaker who became a human rights activist “overnight” when Daesh invaded the Yazidi villages around Mount Sinjar in northern Iraq in August 2014.
