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United Nations

Stand together against the “normalization of hate”: UN chief

Remembering the 6 million Jews who perished in the Holocaust, the UN chief has called on everyone around the world to “stand together against the normalization of hate”.

In his message marking Holocaust Remembrance Day, on 27 January, Secretary-General António Guterres said that everyone has a responsibility to “decisively resist” racism and violence.

Matt Wells reports.

ONU info/Pascal Sim

Inauguration of new Liberian president welcomed by UN

George Weah was inaugurated on Monday as the new President of Liberia, where the United Nations is set to close its peacekeeping mission (UNMIL) in a few weeks after a successful 15-year presence in the West African country.

The new Liberian President took office at a ceremony in the capital, Monrovia, and it marks the first peaceful, democratic transfer of power, since the 1940s.

UN Migration Agency (IOM)

People-smuggling networks in Libya 'must be tracked and prosecuted'

Illegal smuggling networks which have imprisoned, tortured and abused thousands of migrants trying to cross Libya, “must be tracked and prosecuted”.

That’s according to Othman Belbeisi, who is the UN migration agency IOM’s mission chief, in Libya.

He was speaking after the second flight of the year left Libya for Nigeria on Monday, under the so-called Voluntary Humanitarian Return programme, which allows third country nationals to return home.
