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Future of global economy looks “mediocre”

The global economic outlook looks worse than it did in the last quarter of 2014, despite the sharp fall in oil prices across the world.

That’s according to a report launched by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Beijing, China on Tuesday.

The IMF says that global growth is forecast to increase moderately from 3.3 per cent in 2014 to 3.5 per cent in 2015 and 3.7 per cent in 2016.

“Bioeconomy” for world’s growing energy, natural resources demands

As the global demand for food, raw materials and energy grows, a UN food security expert is calling for a new economic and industrial model.

He calls it bioeconomy, a model which relies on the sustainable use and exploitation of naturally occurring renewable resources like plants, trees and marine products.

The Global Forum for Food and Agriculture is currently being hosted at Berlin’s annual “International Green Week” which is taking place this week.

UNDP/Morgana Wingard

Rise of poverty in worst-hit Ebola countries “worrying”

An increase in levels of poverty in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone because of the Ebola virus outbreak is “worrying”, a World Bank Group official has warned.

A report by the organization says that the economic impact of the epidemic on the three West African countries will have a huge impact on economic growth in 2015.

Ebola has killed around 8,500 in the region.

Speaking to Eleuterio Guevane, the World Bank’s Chief Economist, Francisco Ferreira, shared more details about the report.

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Indian peacekeepers boost livestock health in South Sudan

Veterinary camps run by Indian peacekeepers in South Sudan are helping to keep livestock in the country healthy.

A camp recently opened in Wau town where the pastoralist Shiluk community can have their cattle dewormed and treated for diseases, as well as receive feeding supplements.

The ongoing conflict in South Sudan has displaced millions of cattle and has led to fresh outbreaks of disease, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization says.

Dr. Sandeeb Prakash, Indian battalion veterinary officer explains to Luka William Athiel what they are trying to achieve.

UN Photo/JC McIlwaine

Global economy to improve “marginally” in 2015

Global economic growth is forecast to increase marginally over the next two years, according to the UN World Economic Situation and Prospects 2015 (WESP) report, launched on Monday.

The global economy is expected to grow 3.1 per cent in 2015 and 3.3 per cent in 2016, outstripping the last two years.

The report says that the United States is leading the economic recovery, but pinpoints what it calls “fragility” in Europe and Japan.

UN Photo/Marco Dormino

Peace and security promoted through inclusive development

The development of nations across the world which includes all people is central to the maintenance of international peace and security, the UN Security Council was told on Monday.

The meeting, attended by senior government officials, including foreign ministers, was convened by Chile and presided over by the country’s President Michelle Bachelet.

In his opening remarks, the UN Secretary-General stressed the importance of justice to build peaceful and inclusive societies by promoting strong and responsive institutions.

World Bank/John Hogg

Global economy faces new uncertainties

Plunging oil prices, fighting in Ukraine, ebola and deflation: a selection of problems that weighed heavily on the world’s economy in 2014.

In a new report on the risks to global growth and prospects for the next two years, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) said there was only a “moderate and uneven” upturn of 2.6 per cent in 2014.

The UN agency anticipates global economic growth of 3.1 per cent in 2015 and 3.3 per cent in 2016.

Non-communicable disease deaths at "epidemic levels"

Deaths from common illnesses known as non-communicable diseases are said to be at epidemic levels, World Health Organization has warned.

It says that urgent action is needed to prevent 16 million people dying prematurely - before the age of 70 - from diseases including heart and lung disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes.

WHO recommendations contained in a new report encourage governments to meet agreed health targets by 2025.

Jobless to increase by 3 million this year, says ILO

The global unemployment rate is expected to increase by 3 million this year, according to a report  issued by the International Labour Organization (ILO) on Tuesday.

The agency says that the global economy is continuing to grow at trends that are below the levels recorded during the period before the 2008 economic crisis.

According to the report, about 390 million workers, or 1 out 10 globally, continue to live in extreme poverty, earning less than US$ 1.25 a day.

Derrick Mbatha reports.

UN Photo/Violaine Martin

Situation in northern Nigeria “dramatic” says UN special envoy

The situation in the north of Nigeria has been described as “dramatic” by a senior UN official as the country struggles to contain increasing levels of violence.

The UN Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, Leila Zerrougui made the comment as she toured Nigeria’s Yola town in Adamawa State where she assessed how violence is impacting children.

The UN estimates that 900,000 people, the majority women and children, have fled their homes.

Meanwhile, hundreds of children have been killed, injured or abducted from their homes and schools.